Fighting for Positive: The Journey Towards Body Positivity through Rape and Disease

“The body is a temple.”

Throughout childhood I heard these words thrown about, often in a religious context. The message was intended to be that our body was made by god and we should honor him by treating our bodies well. If this were the only message carried in these words, it would be a lovely sentiment. However, more often than not, this phrase comes dripping with meaning and judgment. Though the words originate in religion, this phrase has gained a greater cultural use. Some use this to decry tattoos as blights upon the temple. Others use the words to bring shame to those whose size is outside our mental image of “health.” Still others hurl these words to condemn those engage in sexuality outside of the strict boundaries they perceive around sex. No matter which form of shame is invoked, the idea of the body as a temple regards a person’s form as a sacred space unto them that needs to be protected. But how does one find solace when the temple has been invaded?

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